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Is Canasta Similar to Bridge: Key Differences Explained

Canasta vs Bridge

Estimates predict that you can play up to 10,000 different games with a single deck of cards. That’s a lot of gaming potential, meaning there’s at least one or two card games to suit every taste. However, not all fans of one card game will love another unless you choose two games that contain some crossovers, such as Canasta and Bridge.

While the two games contain notable differences, it’s just possible that fans of one might end up enjoying the other. In this article, we’ll help you decide whether that’s the case by considering once and for all: Is Canasta similar to bridge?

What is Canasta?

Most people have heard of Bridge even if they don’t know how to play. Canasta is less well known but is a card game of the rummy family that can be fantastic fun once you learn how to play.

While gameplay variations are possible, standard play within Canasta involves four players who work in two different partnerships. Canasta uses all 108 cards from two different decks. Jokers and twos are considered wild cards in the majority of games and can be played as any card except for a three.

The aim of Canasta is to make ‘melds’, which are three or more cards of the same rank. Players do this by picking from a stock pile of cards. They must place one card on a discard pile for each card they pick up. A ‘canasta’ is reached when a pair gains seven cards of the same rank. Players ‘go out’ by clearing their hands, and must become the first to reach a score of 5000 in order to win.

Exploring the Basics of Bridge

Bridge is a trick-taking card game that’s also played with four players who work in two different partnerships. These partnerships are formed between the partners who sit across from each other at the same table.

There are two different elements to consider while playing bridge, and they are –

  1. Bidding: Players state how many tricks they’ll try to win between 1-7, and which suit will be trumps (the designated suit that outranks other cards in this game.). The following players must either beat this initial bid or pass. The final bid becomes the contract.
  2. Card Play: During card play, players take turns to lay down cards from a hand of 13 to win tricks that are equal to or greater than the number bid by playing the highest card in the suit.

The declarer (the player who won the bidding) initiates the first trick by placing a card face down on the table (the opening lead). Other players must attempt to follow with a card of the same suit and can win the trick by becoming the player with the highest card, or the highest trump card if trump cards are played.

Key Differences: Canasta vs Bridge

Canasta and Bridge have some obvious similarities at a glance, but it’s important to note that the two games also have key differences, which include –

Overall Goal

Within Canasta, players must work to build melds and canastas by keeping hold of cards with the same rank. The stronger their hand throughout gameplay, the more points they win. By comparison, bridge involves placing individual cards, or tricks, to achieve the contract trick.

Number of Cards

Canasta is played using two decks of cards, meaning each game involves a total of 108 cards, as this enables smoother gameplay. Bridge is played on a single deck of cards, meaning players only handle 52 cards in total, which are split into individual hands of 13.


Bridge games always involve four players split across two teams, but there are several canasta variations, which can include two, three, five, or six players in total.

Similarities Between Canasta and Bridge

It’s easy to consider the differences between these two games and assume that they aren’t alike at all, but that isn’t strictly true. In truth, the two games do have some evident crossovers, which could make Bridge players feel comfortable playing Canasta and vice versa. For instance, there are similarities between –

Player Formation

Both Bridge and standard Canasta games require four players who operate in two distinct partnerships. This is a unique way to play and means that, if players are used to operating in pairs within a Bridge setting, they may be better able to adjust to the dynamics of Canasta.

Game Origins

On the surface, the origins of Canasta and Bridge seem varied. Bridge dates as far back as the 16th century, while Canasta wasn’t devised until 1939. However, it’s worth noting that Segundo Sánchez Santos developed the idea for Canesta alongside his Bridge partner, with the direct intent of providing an alternative to Bridge. Hence why things like player formations are so similar in both games.

Skills Required

Ultimately, both Bridge and Canasta are card games that require an understanding of deck rankings and suits. Lovers of card games who are familiar with these things could find some success in either game.

Choosing Your Game: Canasta or Bridge?

We’re often pushed to find time to play in modern life and, even if you love the sound of both, you might not have time to delve into Canasta and Bridge. So which game should you choose? In truth, it’s generally a matter of personal taste, and trying both games can be a great way to decide which you enjoy the most.

Other things to consider when choosing include:

  • Time: Games of Bridge can take as little as 30 minutes between experienced players, while a game of Canasta will typically take at least an hour.
  • Personal preference: Players should consider their personal preference, such as whether they prefer building a strong hand (Canesta) or playing individual tricks to make points (Bridge).
  • Availability: Sometimes, you simply need to choose the game that’s most easily available. Here at 247bridge, we provide high-quality Bridge games that you can play and save at the click of a button. Alternatively, if you’re planning a game night at home, you might prefer an enjoyable in-person session of Canasta.

Canasta and Bridge are fundamentally different games, but their similarities mean that players just might find enjoyment in both at different times. If you’re a keen Canasta lover, give Bridge a try today with an online game at 247bridge.


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